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Multiple content management systems (CMS)

Multiple content management systems (CMS)

Add another CMS system, but still use the Shopware Shopping Experiences as a fallback.

This documentation guides users through the process of incorporating an additional CMS instance and use it seamlessly with the Shopware Shopping Experiences.


This example is written for the vue-demo-store template

Adding middleware

All you need to do is adding a middleware injection to the main routing resolver file.


import { resolveComponent } from "vue";
import type { Ref } from "vue";
import { pascalCase } from "scule";
import {
} from "@shopware-pwa/composables-next";
import type { Schemas } from "#shopware";
const { clearBreadcrumbs } = useBreadcrumbs();

const NOT_FOUND_COMPONENT = "errors/RoutingNotFound";
const { resolvePath } = useNavigationSearch();
const route = useRoute();
const { locale } = useI18n();
const routePath = route.path.replace(`${locale.value}`, "").replace("//", "/");

 * Load CMS resolver if exists
let cmsPageRendererComponent: VNode | null = null;
const cmsPageRenderer = inject<((path: string) => VNode | null) | null>(

const { data: seoResult } = await useAsyncData(
  "cmsResponse" + routePath,
  async () => {
    // For client links if the history state contains seo url information we can omit the api call
    if (import.meta.client) {
      if (history.state?.routeName) {
        return {
          routeName: history.state?.routeName,
          foreignKey: history.state?.foreignKey,
    const seoUrl = await resolvePath(routePath);
    return seoUrl;

const { routeName, foreignKey } = useNavigationContext(
  seoResult as Ref<Schemas['SeoUrl']>,

 * If there is no Shopware CMS component and an additional CMS
 * resolver is available, fetch content
const componentName = routeName.value;
const path = routePath.substring(1);
if (!componentName && cmsPageRenderer) {
  cmsPageRendererComponent = await cmsPageRenderer(path);

onBeforeRouteLeave(() => {

function render() {
     * Render additional CMS component if exists
    if (cmsPageRendererComponent) {
        return cmsPageRendererComponent;

    if (!componentName)
        return h("div", h(resolveComponent(pascalCase(NOT_FOUND_COMPONENT))));

    const componentNameToResolve = pascalCase(componentName as string);
    const cmsPageView = routeName && resolveComponent(componentNameToResolve);
    if (cmsPageView) {
        if (cmsPageView === componentNameToResolve)
        return h("div", {}, "Problem resolving component: " + componentName);
        return h("div", h(cmsPageView, { navigationId: foreignKey.value }));
    return h("div", {}, "Loading...");

You see that the cmsPageRendererComponent is returned before the regular cmsPageView is resolved. But only if the cmsPageRendererComponent is not null and no routeName aka componentName is found. Further details can be found in the comments in the code above.

Also, you can find a complete example here at Strapi CMS Integration.